Using Lasers for Everyday Dentistry


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Lorne: We are going to go ahead and get started.  Greetings to everyone .Thank you very much for attending. I want to thank you all of you for joining us this evening. We’ve had over 250 registrations as of this morning so I’m glad that I’m seem to be hitting on some topics that are   of interest to many of you out there. For those of you that have been on our webinars in the past with me this one is just going to be a little bit different because we have just a ton of great info.  We are going to speak for about an hour this evening. We’re going g to have at least 15 – 20 mixtures for questions.


I was talking with Don earlier and really neither one of us has to be done right at hall past the hour so we can probably go a little bit past that if we have more questions.  Each of one of you should see a little box on your go to webinar control panel where you can ask questions. Just type it in , feel  free to ask  , make them throughout  the lecture as you  think about them but we’re really not going to have time to  get to the questions until  after we are done speaking .


By tomorrow I’m going to be sending you all a number of things you’re going to be getting a short survey as soon as you log out of this webinar .Please indicate on that survey if you want to be contacted for more information. I will be putting the webinar on the website so if you have to leave early don’t worry about it, you’re not going to miss anything. Also Amanda from my office will be sending you links to that for those of you who are on the call, you can get an hour and half of education credits as well.


I’m sure most of you know who I am already. I did practise as a periodontist for ten years, People know me as a digital dentist, I work with offices all over the country to help them make technology decisions and certainly lasers fall into that category. As many of you know when I’m put together  these webinars I try  to find topic that  I think would be  of interest  to dentist . I get a chance to interact with many of my colleagues at trade shows and when the topic turns to lasers I find that many dentists out there are worried that laser just really have very limited uses. In my experience  though and I have a lot of clients that are  using lasers they’re telling  me just the opposite , that their lasers get use pretty much every single day . One of the   goals   do for today was to dispel this notion that lasers are only useful for high-end procedures by highly trained dentist. In my experience probably a third year dental student can easily handle a laser.


We want to look at that, we want to look at the great h return on investments that you are going to get with lasers, look at some of the pricing as well because this really is a very affordable price. I really wanted to thank Henry Schein and Boa Lays from partnering with us tonight .They’ve really been a leader when it comes to dental laser treatment. At this point I’m going to go ahead and introduce Matt Hunt who is the director of laser sales of Hennery Schein Dental. He’s just going to say a few words.




Matt: Thank you very much Lorne. To follow up on certainly your comments earlier we are very excited and we would like to thank all of you on behalf of Hendry Schein and certainly Boa Lays for certainly taking the time to learn more about using lasers in your everyday dentistry. As  Lorne said I think in the past these   have been perceived as maybe  some kind of gadgets and or elite type  of practise that are integrated them . That certainly not the case and we have very excited, Henry Schein again and Boa Lays to have Dr Wilson share a lot of his everyday application and or procedures that he uses. Thank you again for joining and I look for award to an exciting filled hour to go over all the everyday application that the lasers can do for you. Lorne?


Lorne: Thank you Matt I appreciate that. I’m absolutely thrilled to introduce Don Wilson who is going to be presenting the bulk of the webinar tonight .It will probably be safe for me to say that Don has begotten more about lasers Thant I’ll ever know. He has graduated for the University School of Alabama School of Dentistry. He holds both a standard and advance participant certification as well as educator status through the academy of laser dentistry. He is also an associate fellowship within the World Clinical Laser Institute. He has conducted about 300 laser seminars and is the director of laser education at the National Institute in Charlotte. I’m going to turn the screen over to the Don and have him take it away.


DON: Thank you very much Lorne and welcome to all of you tonight and it’s a pleasure to be with you.  I appreciate the time that you are giving us tonight out of your busy schedule. I realise that all of you have lots of things that you need to do and it’s just an honour to have you on the webinar tonight. We will be talking about the impossible, it’s nothing, the reality of lasers for everyday dentistry and I would like to thank Henry Schein. It’s a pleasure to be associated with him and with my good friend Matt Hunt. Even though Matt lives in California he’s a great Alabama fan. He’s coming down this fall to be with me for the Florida game and it’s just a pleasure to be associated with him. Thank you Lorne for allowing us to be on the program and to Boa Lays. It’s a wonderful company and appreciate the fact that we are associated with such a fine   laser company.



Also a commercial for the National Institute, we do teach laser education along with cosmetics at the Laser Institute and we invite you to come and share with us. You can look at the programs that are available at national


Let me give each of you a pat on the back for joining and participating in the program tonight. Your practise is about to change if you take the things that we are about to present tonight and employ them into n your practise. Thank you for seeking out this knowledge. Whether you attest use it or not you are at least looking at laser education for your practise.


In 2010 we designed a new program the impossible is nothing the reality of laser and everyday dentistry and we are going to cover portions of that thigh. We have limited time but we are going to cover just a little bit of physics and then we will cover all the procedures that you see listed there and then we will talk finally about the return in investment.


Boa Lays is really the most complete family of dental layers and featuring the new I-Lays, the pocket sized personal laser that is production right now. The Easy Lays which I use every single day in my practise or soft tissue procedures we’ll talk about that tonight. The Water Lays Sing 100, which is an economy entry level hard and soft tissue laser and of course the Water lays in the turbo which is the one that we will focus on tonight. It’s for basic and beyond dentistry.


It only lasted 12 seconds and it only flew 120 feet on December 17th 1903 at Kitty Hop, North Carolina because until that moment flying with power was impossible but on that very day it became possible and you know what has happened since that point. If we determine something to be impossible out vision for the future is blind. Orville Wright was quotes as saying “isn’t it astonishing that all these secrets have been preserved for so many years just so that we can discover them “and that’s kind of the way I feel about lasers. What a wonderful addition it has been to our profession.


Lasers are not only used or a fad or off the radar or a just a niche in dentistry. We have just seem to tip the ice berg. There will be over 4000 lasers purchased this year by dentist .It is a very rapidly growing facet of our profession.  Five out of a hindered dentist now routinely use the laser. Lasers are part of everyday, every way dentistry. We use our lasers all day long every day. It’s a fact dentist who own a laser produce 25% more than dentist who do not own a laser. For those of you who would like to get in touch with me and ask any questions following tonight’s webinar, you see my email there [email protected]. If you would just put in the subject line “reference something to laser” I will be glad to respond to you.


Our little part of the world is in the north west corner  of the state of Alabama, Florence Alabama,  the home  of W.C Andy  the popular blues, Helen Keller  the first lady of all times with disability of  not being able to hear  or to speak , the famous Fames Studio that was the hit recording  capital  in the world in the 60s and 70s  and Stewart Saint who many of you know because of his fame  and Goth and  went into British Open last year.


We are along the beautiful Tennessee River, it’s a very important part of our culture here and this is our office and I just wanted to share this with you so that you get a concept of the guy that’s talking to you tonight about lasers. We are just in my option an ordinary practise. We practise in a rural area and I think I’m a common everyday dentist. I  don’t  think we have anything that’s especially  exceptional in our abilities so I want  you to know that I’m an in the trenches dentist  just like you guys .





Our newest practise is Signature Smile. I’ll talk about the fact that later on we have had various practises through the years.

Everyday dentistry with the Boa Lays laser. We’re going to talk tonight about getting more patients, keeping more patients and growing more patients in our practise. I want you to understand this is not star was technology. I think through the years   us as educators have kind of made lasers a little out there like it’s kind of an elite kind of thing. It’s really not, it’s something that every dentistry can do. This thing is not a laser sword.


Lasers do not make a bad dentist good but it will make a good dentist great. I would like you to ask yourself do you believe that doctors are really taking a serious look at laser technology these days. In dental town recently there was a survey and it was determine that 77% are treating pockets greater than 6 mm. Then it was determine 78% believed laser could be used for periodontal surgery but then it was discovered that only 18% reported actually using laser to treat perio. That means that there are 60%  of the doctors  out there who are seriously thinking about adding laser to their practise and I’m sure because you are on the webinar tonight you are  in that 60%

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