Using Lasers for Everyday Dentistry P7


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The impossible is nothing .It so the reality of lasers for every day dentistry. For those of you that had been with sus the whole time I want to thank you for your time again tonight. It has been a pleasure woo join you this way tonight. I hope that I provided you with  some information that you’ll find very helpful in making lasers   part of your very day , every way  practise  and I will be on the line now with Lorne to fill as many questions as much as we possibly can and feel free to contact  me in the future. Lorne?



Lorne: Thank you doc that was great and you are not   done yet.  We have a lot of questions here. I’m going to get to it because we do have a number of questions and they are still pouring in. Thanks again   that was just fantastic information. Matt are you still on the line as well?


Matt: Yes.


Loren: There may be a couple of questions that I’m going to ask you as well. One of the first question we got Don was how was the learning curve for you? How difficult was it for you to start incorporating this into your practise?


Don: Please bear in mind that when we started lasers it was back in 1998 and we had to learn by asking all the mistakes.  There really  weren’t good course for me to  go to back   then and so those of use two were using lasers around  the country  sort of had to learn  by trial and error . I’m going to tell  you  I think we’ve made this  big mistake around laser and  I wane  say that  I think  I’ve  been a part of that as a laser educator. Folks this is just not hard and we’ve  have some wonderful courses around the country , we have this great course in  charlotte that Patrick  Brim does , Bill Chin has one in St Louis  and there are others around the  country .  Those are just two that I personally attended. Brett Dior is a wonderful periodontist. There is plenty of help out there but you already know how to do this procedures it just a matter of adapting the techniques. I want to tell you the learning curve in my opinion is not steep at all.


Lorne: I guess this question is more for mat? Matt is there a formal trading program that sis typically recommended for people that are getting to lasers?


Matt: Yes there is .When you purchase  the Water Lays  and the Odessa 100  it comes with a day and a half to 2  day training course and they’re  going to go over all the ins and outs  of how to add the water , woo to change  the tips  but  importantly going over the basic procedures, how  you’re  going to class one  through six cavity preps , how you’re going do periodontal procedures,  things of that nature to get you very comfortable with the basic procures  day in and day out that you are going to encounter .


Lorne: Great thank you, Don did you change your fees when you started using lasers?


Don: No we really right at first. I felt like I needed time to establish them in my practise and really we have not increase because we own a laser per say. I think out quality of dentistry have improved  and we have increased our fees across  the board annually as I’m sure that each of  you do  but the laser becomes  a tool in the toll box and it  really pays for itself . I will tell you that think, I know that my patients perceive this as a wonderful thing. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t have a patient tell me that you know why I come here doc? It’s because   you use a laser, I really appreciate it. So I think they are willing to pay y more. We don’t charge a laser fees we just incorporate that into our regular fee schedule.


Lorne: I guess this question is for both of you, there is a question about the new Boa Lays laser which I assume is the I-Lays. I thought in Chicago when you manage it now I know it just got FDA approval when I first saw it.



Matt: Yes. The I-Lays is currently shipping. We have had a  very strong response form he market and we arte  juts about caught up with all the back  orders which is  good thing .Now if you order a boa lays  that  will be shipped   very quickly after the order  comes in . The answer to that question is yes, and we will be happy you talk to you mire about that.


Lorne: Don have you had a chance to see the new I-Lays?


Don: I do not have one in my practise yet, I want to put it on there.  I saw it just before it was released and I think it is a remarkable tool I think it’s amazing to have that much technology in something that can fit inside your pocket.


Lorne: Another question for you Don, how do you keno when you are going to need anaesthesia and how common is it for you to stop and give an injection after you start?



Don: I don’t always know in advance that we won’t need the anaesthesia. I make the assumption that we will not. You a kind of tell by Workington some patients that they are a little but more nervous, or a little bit more fraud perhaps than others.  So  we explained to  all of our first time patients who are  suing the laser for the first time what to expect and if the patients have  some sensitivity the first thing that I don’t do is to grab  for my syringe. Once you got through some laser training you can learn how to adjust your settings and you can keep adjusting those settings   until you can get almost anyone comfortable and as you go into the procedures, then a lot of time you an up your pulses per second or you can up your energy per pulse and you can go on at a good speed.


There are things that you csan do to help  regulate that but if I have a patient that requires anaesthesia  I want to tell you guys that it takes very , very little . They do not have to be just profoundly number. Even the ones that are really skittish about that.



Lorne: What about the up keep on the laser. Are your staff the ones that are doing that and do they need any special straining?



Don: When Boar Lays install a laser they will come in and give training  to you and your staff  on site plus when you  go to the training courses  you get even more but I have an wonderful staff, my girls are highly  trained in laser use  because we’ve used it so long but they do  all the  maintenance and the day to day cleaning and do it very appropriately an take care of our  hand pieces and tops a den that sort of thing and off course we have  boa lays to come in and check tour laser at least on an annual  basis .


Matt: Ok this is an orphan question now. Can you do a transection friberaotmy for post orthodontist tabulation easily with this units?


Don: Yes you really can. On one of the trice things that Boar Lays offer are some really small tips.  You can go down to 200 microns and yes you can do a transperol frioberontomy using these smaller tips. It’s actually a very great way to do that.



Matt: This other question I guess it came right around the time of you were showing   your first peril case and the question is do you need tot the patient number for those procedure that you are showing.


Don: Yes you do. We talk about anaesthesia fee dentistry. I do that operative and there are some fast tissue procedures where you can use anaesthesia free or application of maybe just a typical but in a peril procedure like that no I do have amnesties and we dint have to have as much as we were dignity conventional l with the blade and seatrain and that sort of thing but yea I have amnesties for that.



Matt:  There is another question related to that procured what do you believe ease the eulogy for the pocket and access on number 9 with [Inaudible] removes during the use of the RFT.


Don: I think mainly the eulogy of that was traumatic exclusion for an extending period of them when this patient when it perfusion she was really riding heavily on that tooth and the reason I said that is because the surrounding teeth as you remember in the photograph they look and her over all dental health was good so this was an isolated   teeth so for that reason I think it was due to the traumatic allusion that she had and I don’t know that I remember specifically. I would say that we had some cactus come out of there   bit I don’t think much. It wasn’t like there was a lot of calculus under the tissue there.


Lorne: Another question here, what about using a Boa Laser to treat perusal pockets?


Don: You definitely can use a BAO laser in treating personal pockets. That’s a very common practise in my state in Alabama as well as a few of the other states. I don’t remember how many they are now. I would say probably 10-12 where hygienist cannot use a Boa laser. In my state    if I want to use a Boa laser in routine perio therapy I ‘m going to have to do that not my hygienist.


Yes it does work very well. If it’s a 4-6 mm pocket we would still follow up with the new erbium technique using the radio fire tips on the YSGG. Those are the perfect cases.  You will get reattachment on those but yes a Boa laser can be used.


Lorne: Are there a variety of tips that are available for Boa Laser?


Don: Yes there are quite a few different tips that were available now. For those of you that are in the audience now that  have an existing Boa Laser you probably are accustomed  to using your Boa Laser of having to cleave the fibre. The fibre is your tip and sometimes it’s difficult to get a really good cleave. With the Easy Lays   it has removable, supposable tips. No more cleaving , just screw it on and thy come in different  diameters bad  different lens and I  don’t think  I showed one in  my PowerPoint tonight but you can bend that tip to get a true right angle so that you can reach distal  to number 3 or number 15 very easily .


Lorne: This question is more for Matt. We have a number  of questions here about the cost to  purchase  from  entry level all the way  up to the MD turbo would  be best for the  local Schein  reps to  contact those individuals ?


Matt: That would be great and again I know Dr Wilson has left the slide on the screen. You can either call us or go to the website and we can address all of j the different financing options that we have e, different terms, different lengths and any promotion that we currently have going on the product. If you have specific questions Lorne I can address those as well.


Lorne: We do have a few questions on the pricing, we know who ask them so we will be able to give that information to you in case the Schein reps want to follow up with that.

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